
Investing Aid is dedicated to making high-quality information about long-term stock investing and personal finance available for everyone.

On this site, I share with you some of the things I’ve learned, and things I continue to learn.

Who Am I?


I’m a professional financial advisor from Finland. Since my Finnish name is a bit of a tongue-twister, you might as well call me by my second name, Erich. 

I started investing at the ripe age of 16, which means I’ve spent half of my life in the markets. While I’ve achieved some minor success as an investor and as a professional, I’m still humbled by the markets every day.

I’m also a voracious reader, enjoy lifting weights, and like to listen to as well as play (noticeably) heavy music.   

My Investing (And Life) Philosophy

My investing (and life) philosophy is centered around long-term solutions, discipline, and continuous learning.

Be it investing or something else, you gain compounded returns and lasting results with long-term effort. Simple as that.

So, as you might’ve guessed, I’m not an advocate of get-rich-quick schemes or speculations.

In the end, investing is a string of good decisions made over a long period of time.

I believe that you can increase your probability of success through education, knowledge, and experience. The first two factors I aim to offer through this site, the rest is up to you.

On a broader scale, I believe that our purpose as humans is to achieve our fullest possible potential.

When you think about it, financial well-being is one of the major cornerstones for a fulfilling life. It enables you to pursue other goals and achieve the freedom to do what you want.

Why I Write

So, why run a site dedicated to investing and economics when I already do it as a day job? The answer is simple: to do what I love to do on my own terms.

I believe we achieve the very best results when we have complete freedom of doing things our own way.

For years I’ve been looking for a way to offer independent information about investing and economics. 

Considering the fact that I like to write and tell people about the things I’ve read, I came to realize that building a website was the perfect solution.

So, here we are.

I sincerely hope you find something interesting, entertaining, and perhaps even helpful on my site!

Best regards

Iikka Jääskeläinen
(Yes, that’s the tongue twister.) 

DISCLAIMER:  Any of the information presented on this site is not to be considered investment advice. As an investor and as a person, you are responsible for the decisions you make. Also, the views I bring forth do not represent the views of the companies I have worked for or work for at the moment.